Friday, May 18, 2007

Ludhiana Cinemas

Today the Cinema business in ludhiana has undergone a series of ups and downs. Once a picture hall came up, no one would fail to notice it. Even roads were popularly christened after them. ‘Raikhy’ and ‘Naulakha’ led to the Cinema Road in the thirties, while Deepak gave rise to Deepak Cinema Road in the early fifties. A few busy crossings are known by the theatres in the surrounding area, like Kailash Chowk & Aarti Chowk. 1931 is a landmark. Ludhiana, a medium-sized town in the thirties, provided its citizens with ‘Raikhy’, ‘Naulakha’ and ‘Minerva’.

In the fifties, population grew and such sites were sought as were close to the railway station and the bus-stand. ‘Society’ appeared, followed by ‘Lakshmi’, a year later. Calcutta-connected and Jalandhar-based Kailash Pictures was the brainchild of Kailash Gupta. With Mr Thapar of Ludhiana in distribution business they founded the ‘Kailash Cinema’. And later .......................

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